New research says GMO crop contamination unstoppable

Though biotech industries may claim that their GMO crops can be contained, new studies show that may not be the case. In fact, one survey showed that 1/3 of organic farmers report problems with cross-contamination between their crops and GMO crops.

The report, which can be found in the International Journal of Food Contamination, states that between 1997 and 2013, there have been at least 396 instances of GMO crop contamination across 63 countries recorded.

The report stated several conclusions about GMOs and none of them were positive.

First and foremost, the report declares that GMO contamination is insurmountable, as it will occur over time through nature. It will be difficult enough to contain and halt contamination that has already occurred, if it’s possible to do so at all. And since there’s no established protocol for testing, it’s difficult to determine what plants are contaminated and which ones aren’t.


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