DHS fascist claiming ‘gun control is now national security’… because THEY failed to do their jobs

The government blaming others for their mistakes is nothing new. It’s been happening for a LONG time now.

As a result, it’s not all that surprising that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now claiming that gun control is a “national security issue” — all because their incompetent organization failed at doing their jobs. Once again, the kings of buck-passing hurl the blame elsewhere as soon as people begin to acknowledge their mistakes.

Since it’s been well-reported that Omar Mateen had been investigated by the FBI on multiple occasions, and had recently been reported to the authorities by a Florida gun store owner, a lot of the blame for the Orlando nightclub massacre deserves to be placed on those who are sworn to protect us. They didn’t protect the American people — and guns had nothing to do with why they failed.

Though the NRA will continue to receive the brunt of the blame, the reason for the Department of Homeland Security’s existence is to prevent terrorist attacks from taking place. They didn’t. They ignored all of the warning signs that the tragic shooting in Orlando was about to happen and remained silent. While evidence points to investigations into Mateen and his mosque being halted for fear of appearing “Islamophobic,” the reasoning isn’t what’s important here.

What’s important is that DHS and other organizations knew something was suspicious and consciously chose not to pursue their investigations further. That is unacceptable. In an age when terrorist attacks fueled by radical Islam are becoming more and more frequent, it’s imperative that all precautions are taken to potentially prevent these horrible events from taking place.

Instead, the Regressive Left continues to pass the buck to law-abiding gun owners who are simply trying to do what the Department of Homeland Security clearly cannot: protect themselves.




The New American


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