God to engulf the world in fire TODAY


The end of the world is upon us. Not in the near future, but today, October 7, 2015. That is at least according to the insights of Chris McCann, the founder of the fringe Christian group eBible Fellowship. McCann states that God will obliterate the world today, most likely with fire. So make sure to take a shot of holy water, dress light and wear some sunscreen.

“According to what the Bible is presenting it does appear that 7 October will be the day that God has spoken of: in which, the world will pass away,” said Chris McCann. “It’ll be gone forever. Annihilated.” (1)

The blood moon, a combination of a lunar eclipse and super moon, occurred September 27, 2015. It was the last blood moon to appear among a succession of four, within the last two years. Many religious leaders predicted the world would end based upon this event; whereas others believe it assured a seven year tribulation.

Contrary to popular belief, however, McCann argues that the world’s annihilation will not be postponed. The world will face its final hour today.

The chicanery of Harold Camping

The eBible Fellowship, an online affiliation headquartered near Philadelphia, is basing its prediction upon the reasoning of Harold Camping, a former Christian radio host who lived in California. Camping had predicted the world would end on May 21, 2011. After the end did not come to pass, Camping modified his prediction. He claimed the world was under a spiritual judgment, and that Earth’s expiration date actually fell in October 2011. After Camping’s second blunder, he retired from public life. He died in 2013 at the age of 93. (1)

Although Camping’s life came to an end his dooms day predictions have not. McCann believes that Camping’s predictions had a germ of truth. In particular, McCann believes that Camping was right in the sense that God really did declare “judgment day” on May 21, 2011. On the fateful day, God stopped selecting which churchgoers would survive the end of the world.

Following May 21, 2011, God shifted his attention to non-churchgoers, according to McCann. The eBible fellowship is of the conviction that God would devote 1,600 days to selecting which non-churchgoers will survive the apocalypse, which brings us to today, October 7, 2015.(1)

Though McCann is confident the world will end today, he doesn’t profess certainty. “There’s a strong likelihood that this will happen,” McCann said. “Which means there’s an unlikely possibility that it will not.” (1)

God to set the world aflame today, but how?

McCann’s belief that the world will be engulfed in flames is widely shared among religious folks. “God destroyed the first Earth with water, by a flood, in the days of Noah. And he says he’ll not do that again, not by water. But he does say in 2ns Peter 3 that he’ll destroy it by fire,” McCann said. McCann parts company with his comrades in arms, with his belief that the world will go up in smoke today. (1)

McCann leaves unspecified the mechanism by which God will engulf the world in flames. Astronomers tell us the sun will swallow the Earth as it swells into a red giant, though this is not expected to occur for another 5 billion years.

Maybe God will use some other means to set the world aflame, like a solar flare. Perhaps a nearby supernova will strip Earth of its atmosphere, causing the sun to boil the planet’s surface. Or maybe God will send the world into inferno by swiftly lighting a divine torch. The possibilities are endless.

In the event that the world does not end today, don’t fret: there’s always next year.

Sources include:

(1) TheGuardian.com