Terrorists are winning: European women being told not to go in public without male escorts, just like in Muslim countries


Historically, Europeans, like Americans, are a tolerant bunch, but their patience is wearing thin as their leaders disregard common sense and public safety, in their rush to out-liberal each other and see who can admit more cultural opposites from the Middle East and North Africa.

So bad have the mounting incidents of sexual abuse committed by migrants against European and other women become, that the latter are being told that they should not go out in public – in their own countries – without male escorts.

As reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, security officials in a number of EU countries that have taken in scores of migrants are growing more concerned by the rising number of sexual assaults, often by gangs of migrants, as they seem to be spreading across the continent.

Serial rape and sexual abuse

Two of the latest EU countries to issue such warnings, the paper noted, were Finland and Sweden, the latter of which is experiencing a rising scandal stemming from police failing to report sexual assaults at one of the country’s top music festival events for the past two years.

Authorities in both countries have advised women to be aware of the threat of sex attacks. The police chief in Vienna, Austria, meanwhile, has advised women not to go outside alone, the Daily Mail reported.

Warnings were issued as reports emerged that German and Austrian police attempted to hide the soaring numbers of migrant-related sexual assaults, over fears of reprisals against them, and potential damage to their respective tourist trades (meaning they’d rather tourists got raped and abused then warn them to look out for themselves).

In recent days scores of arrests – finally – have been made in connection with sexual assaults across the continent.

Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria and Finland are some of the countries that have allowed migrants to essentially remain free to assault women, the Daily Mail noted in a graphic:

— Germany: Multiple arrests stemming from sexual assaults in at least five cities, including Cologne;

— Finland: Police are warning of coordinated migrant sexual assaults in Helsinki;

— Austria: Police here have been accused of covering up sexual assaults, until recent reports in local media forced them to admit the problem, prompting a rebuke from the country’s prime minister – the same one who approved the open-all-doors-to-migrants policy in the first place;

— Sweden: Women have been groped and robbed by migrant mobs in Kalmar, as locals stock up on firearms to defend themselves and their homes;

— Switzerland: Six females reported being gang-assaulted and raped on New Year’s Eve in Zurich.

Police in Finland reported being tipped off about plans by groups of refugees and migrants to sexually harass many women, following an unusually large number of sex attacks in the capital.

Worst disrespect in 30 years

“There hasn’t been this kind of harassment on previous New Year’s Eves or other occasions for that matter… This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki,” said deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki, as reported by the Daily Mail.

In Germany, authorities are looking into some 150-plus cases of sexual abuse and assault in five cities, where women claimed to have been attacked by “organized Arab or North African gangs,” authorities said. Cologne was the epicenter, however, with 106 cases of assault by migrant gangs reported there since New Year’s.

In fact, following widespread criticism of the way his officers handled the violence in Cologne, the police chief – Wolfgang Albers, 60 – has been relieved of his duties. He was informed of the decision that he was essentially being retired early, by State Interior Minister, Ralf Jaeger , according to Reuters and cited by the Daily Mail.

Victims of such attacks are also beginning to speak out about them publicly, and local shops selling pepper spray – since most EU countries forbid public carrying of firearms – report running out of supplies.

Officers in Cologne who were attempting to regain control of the city center reported they were openly mocked by the mostly migrant, male crowds. One said it was the worst level of disrespect he’d seen in his 30-year career.


