Who runs the US? George Soros mentioned over 50 times in leaked Hillary campaign emails

George Soros

If you were one of the many people that decided to expose yourself to the truth and read through the Clinton campaign emails released by Wikileaks, then you’re probably all too familiar with the name George Soros. After all, it is mentioned over 50 times in the leaked emails…

So what makes George Soros such an important figure that he is referred to so often in these conversations? Well, Soros appears to be one of the puppet masters pulling the strings of the politicians in America. A globalist madman, Soros is an enemy of freedom and democracy — and he is someone that we should be be extremely weary of supporting in any way.

His corruption runs deep and seems to know no bounds.

Joel B. Pollack of Breitbart writes, “The Democracy Alliance, a George Soros-backed umbrella group of wealthy left-wing political donors, paid activists to disrupt at least one event for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, according to a document from the group’s conference in Santa Monica in April 2016.” It’s clear that Soros and his goons are trying to rig the election in their favor so that they can continue to control the president and keep the establishment in control. It’s a scary thought, but this is reality. This is why we cannot allow Hillary Clinton to be elected as the next president of the United States.

This is the election when the American people have the strongest opportunity to reject the establishment and receive the leader that we deserve — a leader that will bring freedom back to our country by rejecting the big business “ethics” pushed onto all of us by liberal lunatics like Soros. These leftists have proven that they will stop at nothing to push their money-hungry agendas that inspire Regressive Left rhetoric and political correctness, so we have to take them as a serious threat.

There’s no more denying that the entire Democrat Party is completely corrupt. On a federal level, it has been proven that they are all controlled by big businesses like the Soros groups. They don’t have the best interests of the American people in mind. No, they have their own financial interests at the forefront. That is what they really care about…

Nothing will make George Soros more upset than if we reject Hillary Clinton on a national level and he and his cronies are left powerless. That sounds like a good resolution to this story, so let’s consider doing just that on election day…




