George Soros’s son dumps $100,000 into California ammo control efforts


George Soros’s son, New York resident Alexander Soros, has shown his support for the “Yes” campaign on California’s proposition 63 with a donation of $100,000 according to the California Fair Political Practices Commission. It comes as no surprise that the left wing philanthropist would support increasing gun control measures. In fact he is among the top 10 donors to the campaign according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Alexander and his father George have cumulatively donated over 10 million dollars to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. George Soros has routinely endorsed prominent liberal projects in an attempt to garner political results. His organization Open Society Foundations has supported Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood to name a few. The globalist now aims to take away second amendment rights from the citizens of the United States. If California voters pass proposition 63, it could be used as a model to help spread the law nationwide — even if the results are manufactured.

So, what’s Proposition 63 trying to accomplish? If passed, large capacity magazines would be outlawed and gun theft would become a felony. The Department of Justice would conduct background checks on all ammunition consumers making them obtain a $50 permit. Vendors would undergo licensing and all employees will undergo background checks. The state will notify the FBI of any information about individuals who have not been deemed authorized to purchase ammunition. In addition, a loophole in existing law will be closed in efforts to take illegal guns away from convicted criminals.

With talk already looming for measures that would bar medical marijuana patients the right to gun ownership, what’s to stop them from declining all permit applications? Meanwhile criminals will still have the ability to bypass the propositions effectiveness with a short trip to Vegas and a discrete drive home. Making honest American gun owners the big losers in this deal by a landslide.

Opponents to Proposition 63 are calling it an “Ammo Grab,” stating that their legal magazines will be confiscated by law enforcement if not taken or sold out of state. Ammunition vendors will struggle to thrive with the imposed sanctions. Most importantly, nobody wants their second amendment rights restricted. They will be required to leave behind unused ammunition purchased at the gun range, and they will be unable to lend their hunting buddy a bullet by criminalizing private sale and transfer of ammunition.

It’s no wonder the “No on 63″ campaign is upset about the Proposition. They have already seen constant increase of restrictions in the state of California. “This is another assault on gun owners.” After all, with Soros endorsing the “Yes on 63″ campaign, it’s easy to see where they are coming from.
