Merkel backs migrant surge, says Germany fights terrorism with compassion

angela merkel

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel recently made a New Year’s address to the country, where she defended her open borders migration policy which brought terrorists to the country. Merkel said that her government will fight terrorism with compassion.

Merkel suggests that recent terror attacks, committed by Islamist migrants across several German cities, were not attacks on western civilization, rather against refugees and Germany’s welcome culture. Merkel feels that terrorists mock those who need and deserve the governments protection, along with the government’s willingness to help. She views terror attacks committed by migrants as bitter and repulsive. It is insulting to attack the country you claim to seek protection in.

Germany has recently experienced terror at levels not seen in the country since the ‘80s. Everything from suicide bombings, shootings, and axe attacks, to a truck rampage over the holidays. The country has also experienced an alarming number of sexual assaults.

Angela Merkel had no issues pushing back against criticism of her open-door policy. In response to her unwavering commitment to mass migration, Merkel insists that Germany will fight hatred and terrorism with humanity and unity. With pictures from Aleppo on display, Merkel said “how important and right it was for our country to help those who really need our protection find their feet here and integrate. [sic]”

Merkel acknowledges that Islamic terror has been one among a year of huge tests for Germany, but hinted at new security measures, opposed to changes in her migration policies. There are over 1 million unvetted migrants who have entered Germany with Merkel’s open-door invitation, hundreds of which could be Islamic State fighters. This brings an additional risk of the terror organization weaponizing the migrants who are already inside.

Merkel suggests that the state is taking all possible measures to ensure security and freedom to its citizens, and that Germans should seek consolation in one another during these difficult times. Merkel closed her speech by asserting that Germans need to be open, and hold an open view of the world. Germany is stronger than terrorism and Merkel remains confident for the future of the country.

The government released text by Merkel preceding the broadcast which read, “In going about our life and our work, we are telling the terrorists: you are murderers full of hatred, but you will not determine how we live and want to live. We are free, considerate and open.” It remains to be seen whether new security measures will have any effect on curbing Islamic terror in Germany. Merkel has pledged that the government will take quick action where political and legal changes are necessary in 2017.
